Facebook – Triple Header of Gagging and Idiocy

1. Nothing better than the girl who was forever single all the way up until 2 years ago who now patronizes and pities her single friends.

u r so patronizing

u r so patronizing

And side story about this whole people-losing-their-grammatical-skills-when-on-the-internet-and-spelling-“u”-for-“you”-business  – Back in ’07 when I was asking a professor to write me a letter of recommendation for my grad school application (Side-Side note – I HATED having to ask professors for this, you don’t even know. Having to plot how to get in face time with them throughout a few semesters so they would hopefully feel comfortable with the request down the line felt so phony and pathetic. I’d get an A on a test so I’d have to fake like I needed to look over the results in their offices anyway to know those 2 questions I missed, think up field-related questions I knew the answers to, and make general small talk. Ugh, not a fan.), I asked him for tips on how to write my letter of intent since he had been on the grad application board a few times. He suggested a few good strategies and then told me about this one letter that was sent in where the girl had typed it like it was an email format. ‘4’ instead of ‘for’, ‘u’ for ‘you’, and other silly things like omitting capitalization and punctuation marks. It kind of blew my mind that someone had the balls to send a letter like that in.


2. I… don’t even know.GAH


3. Manu (Romanian way to shorten Emmanuel, pronounced “Mahn-ooh”) is dead on with this comment and so are all of the folks replying. Except Kinga, who’s obnoxiously oblivious to how stupid it is that AEG and the Jackson family actually made money off the funeral while the rest of us in a 10% unemployed economy had to foot the bill for the dullest, yawn-inducing memorial service ever.Kinga's 3 shades of ridiculous

About bunkercomplex

My name is Andrea, and I'm a 23 year old Southern California girl and a newly minted Speech-Language Pathologist. When I’m not high-fiving 8-year-olds for finally producing a good /r/ sound, I fill my time with Peter Gabriel, Ayn Rand, Phil Hendrie, bicycles, Korean stationery, movie marathon nights, and baking. You can email me at bunkercomplex@gmail.com.
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5 Responses to Facebook – Triple Header of Gagging and Idiocy

  1. Aaron J says:

    Sweet mercy. Hilarious (yet sad) post.

    And I’m frustrated beyond belief with this MJ funeral & all it cost the city yesterday. Our newly-elected city attorney (Trutanich) is actually looking into how the city wound up paying for this & will try to avoid something like this from happening again. Already happy I voted this guy in! http://bit.ly/16ydiH

  2. Kevin says:

    Hey, you should get a book deal out of this. Just sayin, it’s kinda necessary.

    • bunkercomplex says:

      I just discovered lamebook.com this month, who has been on top of these types of updates for awhile. I’m so late with my ideas…

  3. Tess says:


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